Funny Sayings Using the Word Suck

While idioms, phrases, and sayings are nothing more than a type of figurative language, a majority of them include the use of animals. The animals used in the sayings don't have any relation or meaning directly associated with it, but they are always fun to use.

Some of the sayings down below are going to blow your mind if you are hearing them for the first time. Take our words; if you use these sayings in your daily words, people are surely going to take you seriously.

catchy animal sayings

800 Pound Gorilla

A cat has nine lives

A cat in gloves catches no mice

A cat's nap

animal sayings

A Busy Bee

A Whole New World of Worms

A cold fish

A dog in the manger

A guinea pig

A home bird

A lame duck

A Little Bird Told Me

A lone wolf

A rare bird

Animals are More than Just Meat

A scaredy-cat

A sitting duck

Albatross Around One's Neck

All Bark and No Bite

All Animals are Equal

Animals are Such an Agreeable Friend

Animals Pass No Criticism

Animals are Smarter than Your Think

Animals Don't have Gods

All Hat and No Cattle

Ants in Your Pants

Animals are Here to Dispose the Evil

Animals are Neither Jealous or Fong of You

Animals are the Little Angles Sent on Earth

Animals are not Your Property

An Animal's Eye has the Power to Speak Great Language

Animals are Worth your Friendship

As Poor as a Church Mouse

Back the Wrong Horse

Bark up the Wrong Tree

Bee in one's bonnet

Bell the Cat

Big Fish

Birds of a Feather

Bird's-Eye View

Bird in a Gilded/ Golden Cage

Bite the Hand That Feeds You

Black Sheep

Blow the Cobwebs Away/Out of Something

Bull in a China Shop

Buy a Pig in a Poke

Can't Swing A Dead Cat In (Place) Without Hitting A (Thing)

Cat Fight

Cat Got Your Tongue?

Cat on a hot tin roof


Cat's Paw

Change Horses in Midstream

Chickens Come Home to Roost

Chomp/Champ at the Bit

Clip Someone's Wings

Cock and Bull Story

Cool cat


Cry Wolf

Curiosity Killed the Cat

Dark Horse

Dead as the Dodo

Different kettle of Fish

Dog in the Manger

Don't Have a Cow?

Dog-and-Pony Show


Don't Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth

Drain the Lizard

Eager beaver


Early Bird [noun or adjective]

Eat Crow

The elephant in the Room

Every Dog Has His (Its) Day

Every Man and His Dog

Fat Cat

Feather One's Nest

Fight like cat and dog

Fish for Compliments

Fish Out of Water

Flat Out Like a Lizard Drinking

Flew the Coop

Fox in the Henhouse/ Chicken house

Get One's Ducks in a Row

Get Someone's Goat

Go Belly Up

God has Put the Best Creations

God's Best Creation

Go See a Man About a Dog

Go to the Dogs

Go Hog Wild

Grab (Take) the Bull by the Horns

Guinea Pig

Has the cat got your tongue?

Have a cow

Have a Kangaroo Loose in the Top Paddock

Have a Dog in the Hunt/Fight/Race

He Would Put Legs Under A Chicken

Hive Mind

His Bark is Worse than This Bite

Hold Your Horses

It's Just a Wild Goose Chase

Jump the Shark

Kangaroo Court

Kill a Fly with an Elephant Gun

Kill the Goose That Laid the Golden Egg

Kill Two Birds with One Stone

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Let the Cat Out of the Bag

Learn to Love like the Animals

Leopard Can't Change Its Spots

Lick One's Wounds

Like a Moth to a Flame

Like the cat that got the cream

Let People to Live Up

Are you starting an animal health business? If so, one of the very first things you need to do is pick a name for your business. So check out the Catchy Animal Health Company Name Ideas Ever.

Lion's Den

Like Herding Cats

Like as useless as a bull

Lion's Share

Loaded for Bear

Animal Sayings & Quotes

Love for the Animals Shall Never Die

Loan Shark

Lock Horns

Look What the Cat Dragged In

Mad as A Box Of (Soapy) Frogs

Make a Silk Purse out of a Sow's Ear

My Dogs Are Barking

Never Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth

No room to swing a cat

Not have a cat in hell's chance

On a Lark

One-Trick Pony

Ornaments are Not For animals

Oh! My Dog

On a Fishing Expedition

Open up a Can of Worms

Pecking Order

Play cat and mouse

Play Whack a Mole

Puppies and Rainbows

Puppy Dog Eyes

Put Lipstick on a Pig

Put Out Feelers

Put the Cart Before the Horse

Put the cat among the pigeons

Do you think that you have invested enough time and energy to obtain new customers for your animal hospital? So check out the best Animal Hospital Marketing Ideas.

Best animal phrases

Rain cats and dogs

Raise Someone's Hackles

Respect Animals Like You Mean it

Red Herring

Screw the Pooch

Seize (Take) the Bull by the Horns

Sick as a Parrot

Sitting Duck

Some Animals Are Cunning

Smell a Rat

Something to Crow About

Someone's Goose is Cooking

Stalking Horse

Strain at a Gnat and Swallow a Camel

Swan Song

Swim with Sharks

Take a Gander

That's the nature of the Beast

Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

The Cat Is Out of the Bag

The World Is Your Oyster

These animals are always with Us

The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back

The Tail That Wags the Dogs

The Worm has Turned

There's More Than One Way to Skin a Cat

To be a Fly on the Wall

To have a Bee in One's Bonnet

To Have to Bit Between One's Teeth

To Put the Cat Amongst the Pigeons

To Beat a Dead Horse

There's more than one way to skin a cat

Till the Cows Come Home

To have butterflies in your stomach

The Average Dog is Nicer than an Average Person

Turn Turtle

Ugly Duckling

Until the Cows Come Home

What's Good for the Goose Is Good for the Gander

When Pigs Fly

White Elephant

Who's She, the Cat's Mother?

Wild Goose Chase

You Can Lead a Horse to Water, but You Can't Make It Drink

You Can't Make Fish of One and Fowl of the Other

You are Indeed a Wild Animal

Your True Animal Instinct

animal sayings

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